Saturday, March 20, 2010

The World Without us

I have just finished reading this amazing book. What happens to the earth when human beings disappear? Alan Weisman answer this question with this Time 2007 Nonfiction Book of the Year.

“...with pumps not working, the New York City subways would fill with water within days, while weeds and then trees would retake the buckled streets and wild predators would ravage the domesticated dogs. Texas’s unattended petrochemical complexes might ignite, scattering hydrogen cyanide to the winds—a "mini chemical nuclear winter." - The New Yorker.

It's not a fiction book with stories on the apocalypse but more like a detailed scientific publication. Sometimes the author got lost in details that didn't really interested me but still, you can expect to learn a lot from this very vivid reportage. Fascinating.

More Details

Some random personal notes from the book:

“The problem is, by tapping the Carboniferous Formation and spewing it up into the sky, we've become a volcano that hasn't stopped erupting since the 1700s.
Eventually, the geologic cycle will take CO2 back to the prehuman levels. That will take about 100,000 years or longer.”

“...African fauna have learned that massing in large flocks makes it harder for predators to isolate and catch a single animal, and assures that some are available to scout for danger while others feed. A zebra stripes help it befuddle lions by getting lost in a crowded optical illusion.”

“Nearly 12 percent of the planet's landmass is cultivated, compared to about 3 percent occupied by towns and cities. When grazing land is included, the amount of Earthly terrain dedicated to human food is production is more than one-third of the world's land surface.”

Friday, March 19, 2010

Symphonia Discors

Je vais tenter de ne pas faire d'auto-promotion sur ce blog car c'est plutôt fatiguant pour tout le monde mais voici une exception: Je vais enfin mettre mes albums en ligne.

Donc voici pour commencer mon album instrumental qui a été enregistré en 2004 mais qui n'a jamais été publié.

Construit uniquement avec des échantillonnages de vinyles poussiéreux, j'ai voulu crée des chansons qui racontent des histoire sans mots. Je voulais m'éloigner des chansons avec des constructions typiques (du type: intro, verse, refrain, bridge, verse, chorus, fade out) et des sons qui loop sans cesse.

C'est des mini trames sonores de films d'horreurs, des breaks passées au déchiqueteur, des chansons d'ambiance qui se noient dans une symphonie discordante.

Bring the noise.

Plus de details

Track Listing:

1.The Practice of the drums 02:55

2.Docteur! (Il y a un cheval dans l'hopital)03:27

3.Tue ce drum Luwee (En trois parties)04:53

4.Oh my God 03:19

5.Uh! (It's a Big Daddy Thing) 02:12

6.Shackle me not 02:56

7.La dérive des artistes morts 04:37

8.La cantique de soûlons 02:38

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Origin of the universe and the arrow of time

Very interesting and very easy to understand update on the latest theory on Time and the Universe.

Some things I will remember from it:
- The big crunch is not going to happen.
- Black holes could be the place where universe like ours got created.
- We perceive Time because of entropy. Precisely, because we live in a low entropy environment.

Source:University of Sydney
Duration: 28m 58s

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Seul a San Francisco, J'ai décidé d'aller fêter la St-Valentin en groupe. Une bataille d'oreiller était organisé a Embarcadero (Endroit légendaire du skate de San Francisco) et j'étais parti en mission.
Traverser la ville en vélo avec un oreiller et aller frapper des inconnus a grand coup de sac de plumes. Yeah!

Je m'attendais a quelque chose du genre:

kat at the great san francisco pillow fight 2008

Malheureusement, a mi-chemin un flat sur mon vélo m'empêcha d'arriver a temps pour la bataille. J'ai du me contenter d'un bon café et d'appels interurbains a ceux que j'aime. La morale de l'histoire? Essayer de trainer un tube et un kit pour réparer les flats quand je pars en bike. Damn it.


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